Transcription: I like to pack it, pack it. Would you like to... FUCK IT! All customers all over the world! Are you a poor Russian man? I love how all you customers buy them squishies. And when you buy them squishies, I want you to drink it all up and buy another. All night. I own a store, call the cookie maker I own a store, call the cookie maker I own a store, call the cookie maker I own a store, call the cookie maker I own a store, I own a store, I own a store, I own a store, I own a store, I like to pack and pack it I like to pack and pack it I like to pack and pack it I like to pack and pack it I like to ...
Pack It-Extended Ver
Protracker and family
Fast Tracker M.K.
Pack it (Molson) Pack it! (Molson&Doug) Low frequency bongo Funny soundin' piano Pakistanian trombone Pack it!!(Molson&Doug) Feel it (Doug) Feel it! (Molson) 1 2 3 4 5 6 a b d e "Vocalized" by Molson and Doug McKenzie. Comments may be sent to any Quickie-Mart. P.S.:Those aren't our true voices. =)